Our Approach

Design To build

Our range of projects – from residential homes to commercial buildings to community and recreation centers – whether it be a new construction or a remodeling project, are all unique because each project is specific and catered to the individual client’s needs. We are dedicated to advocating for the needs and wants of our clients.

It is their stories we want to tell.

Custom House

The process of building a custom home is less scripted because there are no pre-defined choices or menus to choose from. With custom homes, the home can be built on land you own or acquire. You will be intricately involved in the process and will have the opportunity to take your own decisions. You can pick from nearly any product in a category – within your budget, of course – rather than from a pre-defined menu of choices.

Production Homes

In production housing our goal is to develop market driven, value-based designs for our merchant builder and developer clients. Understanding the target market and buyer segmentation is key to creating successful communities. We invest time in creating and understanding the design matrix and matching our product to specific buyer profiles. Ultimately, we provide a competitive advantage through innovative design by incorporating custom design features to differentiate your product. Our production design studio team includes specialists in single family homes, paired homes and even townhomes.


Be it the exterior or interior of your residential home or any commercial building, our remodeling team will work to provide a new look to match your requirement.

Remodeling consists of various steps and we provide our expertise in all of them, including but not limited to:

  • Planning
  • Demolition
  • Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
  • Framing & Drywall
  • Painting
  • Cabinets & Countertops
  • Doors & Windows
  • Flooring
  • Trim and Finish Work
  • Etc.

Working with our company eliminates the need for you to hire and manage several contractors independently to work on your project.

Structural fix

Through structural repair and stabilization solutions offers a cost effective, low impact and environmentally sound alternative to complete demolition and rebuilding. However, protecting the building and achieving a successful remedy to structural instability whilst carrying out structural repairs, presents a number of challenges.

First and foremost, with any problem associated with a structural defect, it is vital that a professional inspection is carried out to build an accurate picture of the issue at hand.

Once the cause of the problem is established, a solution then needs to be drawn up. The solution must consider many aspects, including the building’s intended use, the implied loads, the materials used in the building and the form and feasibility of any rectification work.

At Stupa, we provide a full range of structural repairs and building renovation solutions for commercial, industrial, and residential customers.


One of our philosophy is to nurture a desire for enquiry, discovery and understanding. By maintaining a commitment to research, we are not only up to date with new developments and techniques in the industry, but we are also able to thoroughly evaluate their relevance and technical performance for each individual project. Our continuous focus on Design Research and Development, Material education, and Innovation research, helps our design and construction teams answer all forms of challenges.